Saturday, January 9, 2010

Virtual Bottle Drive is Launched!

The Bottle Drive went well, although not quite as well as I had expected based on previous efforts. Feeling slightly discouraged I chatted with a few neighbours and discovered that the local elementary school as well as a local ringette team had also held bottle drives over the holidays ... so all things taken into consideration, it was a success. I am especially grateful for the regular contributors who keep saving their bottles for me every time. Thank you very much!

I was speaking with my sister just the other day and she told me how she and her husband had decided to support my bottle drives even though they lived several hours drive away. Fearing that they would ask me to drive to their home to pick up the empties I said, "Wow, that's great. Thanks very much, I could get out there next weekend?" (please read with trepidation and reluctance in your voice!) ... My sister laughed and explained that they had set aside an empty jar that they were going to use to collect the coins that they received for returning empties in their own town, and when they had accumulated a fair bit, they would send me the money as their contribution to the Arthritis Society. Now that sounds even better!

So that conversation got me thinking and in the spirit of this cyber world we live in I have decided to launch a "Virtual Bottle Drive". I am asking you, where ever you may live to set aside the money you receive for bottle returns and then donate it to The Arthritis Society through the Joints in Motion Training Team Everest Trek. If you send me an email at I will even send you a collection jar!

Donations can be made through my personal fund raising web page at or by contacting me via email and I will send you out a donation form through the good ole Canada Post.

And if that's not incentive enough for you ... all donations of $10.00 or more will receive a tax receipt.

Now that's a win, win, win situation if I've ever seen one! You enjoy a beverage with family and friends (win!), you return the bottle to be recycled (win!), you receive a refund (win!), you save the refund money and then donate it to the Arthritis Society (win!), which generates a tax receipt (win, again!) and the Arthritis Society has additional support for its many research and patient education programs (extra big win!!).

So come on everyone! Ask your family and friends to join in and let's see what we can do together!

1 comment:

  1. What a creative idea! I love that you've taken an old stand-by fundraising idea and made it your own. You should share this one with the team on Facebook!

    And Happy New Year!
